Thursday, January 30, 2014

Can't seem to get used to an open coffin

I was privileged to be asked to speak at the funeral of the retired Regional Commissioner's wife.  The funeral was no small thing lasting the whole week. My contribution was a short sermon in Morogoro to around 1000 people. Local dignatories, Bishops, members of parliament. 

The Tanzanians can teach us the meaning of how to grieve properly, with no doubt as to what to do. You visit and you sit you eat. You stay the night and sing.  The young men carry the coffin and dig the grave. The women sit and wail with the family. The men sit apart and remember. All the visitors sign the book and make donations towards the travel and food. 

I haven't quite got used to the open coffin yet, but a healthy reminder that we will all one day pass that way. 

One day I would just love to have a Lazarus experience ! That would be something to sing about. 

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