Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday in Dar es Salaam

Wow they have tarred the whole road all the way from Kurasini to Kongowe...What a drive! I wasn't expecting that, nor could I identify any of the old land marks that have been bulldozed to make way for the wider road. I arrived in time for church at 9.30 am and settled down to three hours of choirs, prayers, preaching and notices. I greeted the church and they seemed pleased to see me. There were over 100 people attending and the young preacher Paulo showed a lot of potential.

I went back to a friends house, Joushua, for lunch. The house is in the process of being repaired after being flattened by the explosion back in April. The government had given him the equivalent of £10,000 to rebuild it, which he is over the moon about. It has meant that he can rebuild his house, buy another plot of land and a motor bike and give £1,000 to the church. As he says God is good.

The positive side is that it has brought people together.

There was a massive explosion somewhere near the harbour last night, the night sky was a sudden blaze of orange and red, interestingly no sound. It caused a brown out, so half the lights in the flat were not working.

Hopefully I shall be picking up one of our speakers this evening for the seminar that starts tomorrow. I say hopefully because he is travelling on a rather unreliable carrier...well there is always the next day!

I heard that I am to preach next Sunday at the Morogoro Church, good to be asked!

Drat, Lloyds bank have decided that my recent ATM activity in Tanzania is suspicious and have blocked my card. Why can't they just phone me to find out if I am in Tanzania?

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