Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tomorrow never comes..

That was our second week back in Tanzania, and what a week it was. We received 65 delegates for our evangelists conference in Morogoro. This generally entailed running errands and logistics. It was considered to be a great success by all who attended which is what counts. We also had a couple of guests from the USA who had come out to help drill a well at our Institute site. It was due to start on the 5th November, but today 17th we are still only at around 4feet deep! I have never experienced so many obstacles in all my years here. Firstly they were late arriving in Morogoro by a few days..to be expected, only to tell me the drill was being used elsewhere. Then the drill got stuck in the mud at that site which prevented them from arriving for another few days, then the compressor got stuck in the same mud, they then broke the pulling hitch trying to extract it from the mud, and also lost all the oil from the sump. They then started the compressor without any oil and consequently the 6 cylinder engine seized up and had to be dismantled over the next three days. 'Tomorrow we expect it to be ready' has become a kind of mantra...kesho kesho ya manyani 'Tomorrow tomorrow the monkeys' as the proverb says! Today they managed to assemble everything, but unfortunately the started motor had burned out and so they could not start it!!! That has now to be rewound. The mechanic tells me it will be ready tomorrow at 10am, but funnily enough I am not holding out too much hope. I will be taking our Texan guest to the airport in Dar tomorrow, he has been so understanding with all of the frustrations, but has to leave before we have even started the drill. he has left me with a list of what to do concerning the oversight of the drill..I pray we find water.
On a positive side I funded the roofing of some new toilets at the church the morning and by 6.30pm it was on and finished...this country is so full of contrasts.

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